Top Ten Moments: July and August 2024
1. Expanding Education Abroad Opportunities

Over the summer, we piloted our first Education Abroad Summer Hub through a partnership with the University of Padova, Italy. These new Summer Hubs will offer students a meaningful international experience at an affordable price point. In 2025, we are truly going global by expanding to Scotland, Spain, Costa Rica, and Australia.
2. Joining the Collin College Academic Alliance

It was a big day for TXST as we formally joined the Collin College Academic Alliance with The University of Texas at Dallas. This alliance will allow Collin College graduates to easily and affordably transfer to TXST to earn a four-year degree without ever leaving their home. This is a big win for our future Bobcats!
3. Breaking Ground at our STEM Building
4. Kicking off Exciting Project San Antonio

Our TXST team loved kicking off our Project San Antonio by exploring potential educational, research, and economic development opportunities there. We visited several locations and saw many TXST alumni leading and making an impact down south.
5. Wowed by new UFCU Stadium Turf

Beth and I snuck in a quick tour of all the new construction happening at UFCU Stadium. The new turf looks amazing and will pop under the bright lights. The Katzgarten and elevated walkway are going to be killer spots to watch the game from. We kick off the 2024 season against Lamar University on Aug. 31!
6. Feeling Grateful During Move-in 2024

The hot summer sun never makes it any easier, but I’m forever grateful for our resident assistants and resident directors for making Move-in 2024 a success. Beth and I played our part by greeting parents in the parking lot and helping students unpack their belongings and dreams. Welcome to campus, Bobcats!
7. Encouraging our 8,200+ Freshman at JumpStart

Beth and I enjoyed participating in the second annual JumpStart where we joined Head Coach GJ Kinne, Victoria Black, Student Government, TXST Cheer, Boko, Student Involvement and Engagement, Housing, and others in encouraging our 8,200+ freshman as they begin their college careers at TXST.
8. Welcoming our Phi Beta Kappa Chapter

I’m proud to share that after years of trying, our team led by Honors College Dean Heather Galloway, Bill Keleman, and Catherine Jaffe has succeeded in bringing a Phi Beta Kappa chapter to TXST. We are only the 5th public university in Texas to host a PBK chapter, the oldest in America.
9. Meeting with Foster Angels of Central Texas

Vice President for Student Success Dr. Cynthia Hernandez and I enjoyed meeting with Emily Seay and Terry Quinn from Foster Angeles of Central Texas. They do important work by providing support and scholarships for students who are in the foster care system. Ten of their students are Bobcats.
10. Touring our Impressive new Residence Halls

Beth and I toured our new Cibolo and Alamito residence halls that just opened the doors to students. These new structures will house 1,006 students and will be a great place to create community for our Bobcats. We aren’t stopping there and have more plans to add more beds in the near future.
BONUS: Congratulating Grads at Summer Commencement
Summer Commencement is one of my top three events of the year (I bet you could guess the other two). I love seeing how happy our students are when they walk across the stage.